The soul

You are not a body with a soul as much as you are a soul with a body. From dust you came to dust you shall return but what lives forever is your soul, so make sure you work on your soul as much as your body and every other aspect of your life. YouContinue reading “The soul”

God’s plan is inevitable

Nothing can stop God’s plans that he has set out for YOU. Not your mental condition Not your circumstances Not people’s opinions of you “But the plans of the Lord stands firm forever” You have a God given purpose that needs to be fulfilled! “The purposes of his heart through all generations”. God has chosenContinue reading “God’s plan is inevitable”

Coping Mechanisms for Mental health issues

The following are steps that I myself make use of and it really does help if you put your mind to it. These steps are not easy at first but you’ll get better at it the more you try to do it. It won’t happen overnight no, but if you really want change it willContinue reading “Coping Mechanisms for Mental health issues”

Love is a drug

Love isn’t a person A place Or a thing Its a feeling A raw emotion without boundaries It consumes you like a possession and controls your actions Words And thoughts Love could be felt in different forms None is quite the same It’s like trying different drugs They all get you high but some notContinue reading “Love is a drug”


There are different forms of love. Love is wanting more for your loved one than for yourself. Very few people get to say they’ve experienced such a overpowering love. Love looks for your weak spots and exploits it just enough to make you vulnerable. It makes you weak and stupid whilst bringing you joy andContinue reading “LOVE”

What if ordinary was just an illusion?

We live in a world, that’s so profoundly evolved. Each and everyday manifesting into something such of a program. Those that choose to challenge this program is seen to be the “weirdo outcasts”, but have you ever stopped and thought… what is normal? WHO came up with this perception of NORMAL and why does everyoneContinue reading “What if ordinary was just an illusion?”

Through Christ all things are possible

Here is your word for today: Verse: Psalm 147:5 (TPT) ‘How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing His power cannot accomplish, and He has infinite understanding of everything.’ – We serve a great, big, wonderful God. – He is powerful and able to do what is impossible in the sight of man. – NothingContinue reading “Through Christ all things are possible”


Start your day with a smile Ever notice how when your attitude towards the day is negative, then your day turns out tiring and boring! Or it seems as if NOTHING is going your way? Yeah me to! Ever noticed how waking up on a with a positive outlook on life impacts the rest ofContinue reading “Mindfulness”

What is so important about Christian hope?

If our future is not secured and satisfied by God then we are going to be excessively anxious. This results either in paralyzing fear or in self-managed, greedy control. We end up thinking about ourselves, our future, our problems and our potential, and that keeps us from loving. In other words, hope is the birthplaceContinue reading “What is so important about Christian hope?”

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