
Hey you, YES YOU STOP GIVING THAT TOXIC PERSON ACCESS TO YOU. God is sifting you, like flour before its made into a cake. Removing all the pieces that don’t belong. That toxic ex and friends, their time in your life has ran out, it’s done, depleted, over, canceled but if you keep opening doorsContinue reading “Sifting”

Revenge isn’t the answer

Many crave revenge and wish bad or worse upon those who’ve hurt them or plot against them in the shadows. Well I beg to differ instead, please pray for them. Pray that their eyes be opened so they may see what they are doing or have done is wrong. Pray that God brings them toContinue reading “Revenge isn’t the answer”

God’s will not yours

Now listen, you who say, “today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, do business and make money”. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a must that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you oughtContinue reading “God’s will not yours”

God’s plan is inevitable

Nothing can stop God’s plans that he has set out for YOU. Not your mental condition Not your circumstances Not people’s opinions of you “But the plans of the Lord stands firm forever” You have a God given purpose that needs to be fulfilled! “The purposes of his heart through all generations”. God has chosenContinue reading “God’s plan is inevitable”

Don’t talk about it be about it ✊🏾

The reason why you not successful cause everyday you have a excuse All your excuses, Everything that’s keeping you behind, Let go of it. Yesterday was the last day. no more defeats Tell yourself “I’ma get it done” Break it up in manageable pieces, do whatever you have to do to start building a betterContinue reading “Don’t talk about it be about it ✊🏾”

Falling in love

They say, ‘falling in love with the wrong person can cost you everything,’ but I disagree because to me there is no such thing as “the wrong person”. Everything happens for a reason, it’s how you handle the aftermath that matters most! For those of you who have been in a relationship where, when youContinue reading “Falling in love”

Through Christ all things are possible

Here is your word for today: Verse: Psalm 147:5 (TPT) ‘How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing His power cannot accomplish, and He has infinite understanding of everything.’ – We serve a great, big, wonderful God. – He is powerful and able to do what is impossible in the sight of man. – NothingContinue reading “Through Christ all things are possible”

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