God’s plan is inevitable

Nothing can stop God’s plans that he has set out for YOU. Not your mental condition Not your circumstances Not people’s opinions of you “But the plans of the Lord stands firm forever” You have a God given purpose that needs to be fulfilled! “The purposes of his heart through all generations”. God has chosenContinue reading “God’s plan is inevitable”

Coping Mechanisms for Mental health issues

The following are steps that I myself make use of and it really does help if you put your mind to it. These steps are not easy at first but you’ll get better at it the more you try to do it. It won’t happen overnight no, but if you really want change it willContinue reading “Coping Mechanisms for Mental health issues”


I’ve been diagnosed with clinical depression in the beginning of the year. Although I myself feel as if I’m fine. That’s just the thing, there’s more to it than crying no stop, zoning out and being suicidal. Depression is wanting a better life and not being able to get it for so many years butContinue reading “Depression”

Signs of a healthy relationship

1. Trust is evident. You do not feel choked at all. 2. No physical or verbal abuse present. 3. Overly possessiveness is not present at all. 4. You can easily communicate with each other. 5. Both of you understand that you still have duties and responsibilities aside from the relationship. 6. You tackle problems maturely.Continue reading “Signs of a healthy relationship”

Falling in love

They say, ‘falling in love with the wrong person can cost you everything,’ but I disagree because to me there is no such thing as “the wrong person”. Everything happens for a reason, it’s how you handle the aftermath that matters most! For those of you who have been in a relationship where, when youContinue reading “Falling in love”

Compatible love

I think we actually got this whole love thing wrong. Everyone is always searching for someone who understands them and who shares the same interests or perception as them ….. BUT a love with someone who does not understand but tries to understand ,that does not like what you like but that will endure theContinue reading “Compatible love”


There are different forms of love. Love is wanting more for your loved one than for yourself. Very few people get to say they’ve experienced such a overpowering love. Love looks for your weak spots and exploits it just enough to make you vulnerable. It makes you weak and stupid whilst bringing you joy andContinue reading “LOVE”

God’s love for man

God’s love is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy songs, the delicately tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air, the lofty trees of the forest with their rich foliage of living green _ all testify to the tender, fatherlyContinue reading “God’s love for man”

Worrier or truster?

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. -Isaiah 26:3- OK, people of faith… what’s your stance on worry? The sunday school answer, is that worry isn’t necessary because you only need to trust God. Trusting God is a great privilege and comfort for a believer BUT,Continue reading “Worrier or truster?”

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