Love is a drug

Love isn’t a person A place Or a thing Its a feeling A raw emotion without boundaries It consumes you like a possession and controls your actions Words And thoughts Love could be felt in different forms None is quite the same It’s like trying different drugs They all get you high but some notContinue reading “Love is a drug”

Signs of a healthy relationship

1. Trust is evident. You do not feel choked at all. 2. No physical or verbal abuse present. 3. Overly possessiveness is not present at all. 4. You can easily communicate with each other. 5. Both of you understand that you still have duties and responsibilities aside from the relationship. 6. You tackle problems maturely.Continue reading “Signs of a healthy relationship”

Worrier or truster?

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. -Isaiah 26:3- OK, people of faith… what’s your stance on worry? The sunday school answer, is that worry isn’t necessary because you only need to trust God. Trusting God is a great privilege and comfort for a believer BUT,Continue reading “Worrier or truster?”

God’s love for YOU

You are loved. You are beautiful. I created you for a reason, you are not a mistake. The purpose I have for your life is better than you could dream of. Believe it, believe me! The worldly standards might make you feel like you are not good enough but you are more than good enoughContinue reading “God’s love for YOU”

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