Be Raw

This generation tends to think that hiding your feelings and giving up on people easily is “cool” and makes you strong but that is actually the easy thing to do. Think about it…. To those who FEEL and allow themselves to be felt, they are the real free ones. Living life to their hearts desiresContinue reading “Be Raw”

What if ordinary was just an illusion?

We live in a world, that’s so profoundly evolved. Each and everyday manifesting into something such of a program. Those that choose to challenge this program is seen to be the “weirdo outcasts”, but have you ever stopped and thought… what is normal? WHO came up with this perception of NORMAL and why does everyoneContinue reading “What if ordinary was just an illusion?”


Start your day with a smile Ever notice how when your attitude towards the day is negative, then your day turns out tiring and boring! Or it seems as if NOTHING is going your way? Yeah me to! Ever noticed how waking up on a with a positive outlook on life impacts the rest ofContinue reading “Mindfulness”

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