The 7 deadly sins

Can you name a few?

  1. lust
  2. gluttony
  3. greed
  4. sloth
  5. wrath
  6. envy
  7. pride

Pride is sometimes referred to as vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. Gluttony covers self-indulgent excess more generally, including drunkenness.

Lust is a psychological force producing intense desire for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion while already having a significant other or amount of the desired object. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality , love, money or power.

Gluttony is the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste. The word derives from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.

Greed is a intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

Sloth is being reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.

Wrath is a strong vengeful anger or indignation.

Envy is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

In the Bible pride does not mean simple arrogance or ostentation. Instead it means hubris: preferring self-will to God’s will. Its polar opposite is called in the Bible following God. Biblical pride is overcome when we can say with Jesus, “Thy will be done.”

Can you think about examples of each in today’s life?

Which of these sins do you feel you can relate to, for example I feel mine is gluttony because I don’t eat I vriet till I can’t anymore and as we’ve established It is a sin.

We are human and May fall victim to one or more of these 7 deadly sins but what must try to do is replace our bad habits with the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Do you know what this is?

1 love
2 joy
3 peace
4 patience
5 kindness
6 goodness
7 faithfulness
8 gentleness
9 self control

So I have homework for you guys
Admit your sin and cancel it out with a fruit of the spirit. Try to practice this every time you fine yourself doing that bad Habit this week.

For example mine is gluttony
So this week I will try to practice self control instead.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not fall victim to these sins we are children of God and we are stronger than that!

God Please help us fight these 7 deadly sins and practice the fruit of the spirit instead in Jesus Holy name amen.

Published by Vee

free spirited, open minded, deep individual that lives for raw emotions.

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